Informasi Karir
Mereka yang Kami Butuhkan

Mereka yang ingin bekerja di bidang animasi dan game.

Mereka yang mempunyai tingkat kepekaan tinggi.
Those who have a high level of sensitivity.

Mampu berpikir, bertindak, dan membuat usulan sendiri.
Able to think, act, and make proposals on their own.
Syarat Pendaftaran
We are planning to establish a new branch in Indonesia.
Job Description
Production of background art for animation and games.
Employment Type
• Contract employee.
• Full-time employee.
• Outsourced contract.
• Full-time employee.
• Outsourced contract.
• Students and inexperienced people can apply.
• Experience in background art for animation is welcome.
• Experience in 3D CG production is welcome.
• Experience in background art for animation is welcome.
• Experience in 3D CG production is welcome.
Work Location
• Kyoto Headquarters (Japan)
20-34 Yamachou Sekihouji Fukakusa Fushimi-Ku Kyoto-City, Kyoto
• Tokyo (Japan)
1st floor Grand Toho Building, 1-9 1 Choume Sugamo Toshima-Ku, Tokyo
• Ho-Chi-Minh-City (Vietnam)
Creative Freaks SAIGON Co.,Ltd
1st floor, Gold Star Building 217/4 No Trang Long Street, Ward 12, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
• Bangkok (Thailand).
Trinity Freaks Co. Ltd (Creative Freaks Bangkok)
No. 6 Intersection 7-2-4, Soi Udomsuk 30, Sukhumvit 103, North Bangna Subdistrict, Bangna District, Bangkok 10260
• Hue (Vietnam)
No. 4, Alley 43, Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Phu Nhuan sub-district, Hue-City, Thua Thien Hue Province, 530000
*Remote work is also negotiable.
20-34 Yamachou Sekihouji Fukakusa Fushimi-Ku Kyoto-City, Kyoto
• Tokyo (Japan)
1st floor Grand Toho Building, 1-9 1 Choume Sugamo Toshima-Ku, Tokyo
• Ho-Chi-Minh-City (Vietnam)
Creative Freaks SAIGON Co.,Ltd
1st floor, Gold Star Building 217/4 No Trang Long Street, Ward 12, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
• Bangkok (Thailand).
Trinity Freaks Co. Ltd (Creative Freaks Bangkok)
No. 6 Intersection 7-2-4, Soi Udomsuk 30, Sukhumvit 103, North Bangna Subdistrict, Bangna District, Bangkok 10260
• Hue (Vietnam)
No. 4, Alley 43, Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Phu Nhuan sub-district, Hue-City, Thua Thien Hue Province, 530000
*Remote work is also negotiable.
Working Hours
Depending on the country and office.
Salary & Benefits
Social insurance and other conditions are negotiable, considering experience and skills.
*Salary increase including employee promotion based on ability and performance.
*Salary increase including employee promotion based on ability and performance.
Once a year.
Depending on the country and office.
Proses Seleksi
- STEP01Daftar
- Sertakan dokumen yang dibutuhkan dan kirimkan email ke kontak rekrutmen kami
- STEP02Seleksi Dokumen
- Kami akan mereview dokumen yang anda kirimkan dengan seksama, dan dalam beberapa kasus, anda kemungkinan diminta untuk menyelesaikan beberapa tugas percobaan.
- STEP03Wawancara
- Anda akan diwawancarai oleh penanggung jawab setiap lokasi, dan oleh direktor bagian yang bersangkutan. Wawancara juga dapat dilakukan secara online.
- STEP04Rekrutmen
- Jika anda wawancara anda sukses dan kedua belah pihak setuju akan syarat dan ketentuan kerja, anda akan dipekerjakan secara resmi.
Orang-orang yang memiliki keinginan dan bakat untuk menjadi seniman latar belakang untuk animasi atau permainan.
Harap mempersiapkan dokumen berikut ini:
- Resume/ CV
- Histori kerja/ Dokumen pengalaman kerja
- Portfolio
- Resume/ CV
- Histori kerja/ Dokumen pengalaman kerja
- Portfolio